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Face to Face Communication

As much as I love twitter, blogging, and interacting with people online their is just something about talking to someone face to face that is irreplaceable. 
Maybe it’s the nodding of the other persons head when your describing something that people get frustrated with or maybe it is about two people doing nothing else but talking to each other, not doing ten other things.
I love being a stay at home mom. I really do, but I miss regular face to face conversations with people. I feel like I must drive my husband crazy when he comes home from work because I immediately talk his ear off with every event that has happened all day for example I usually can’t wait to tell him that I set the new guiness world record for watching the most episodes of Barney during the day. (Maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration but not much!)
In an article I found on Ezine Articles Titled ” Face to Face Communication-Old fashioned? Not!”  Mary Jane Paris stated:
We live in a society when flocking to the local coffee shop or diner for coffee chats with business associates or friends is a testimony to our need for human togetherness.
I think we just need that stimulation that face to face conversation offers. because I find the days that I am able to go to lunch with a friend or even have a friend and her kids over for a play date make my days much better.
Do you find this true in your life?


Carly is a contributing writer for Mommy Moment. She has 3 very dramatic but beautiful girls ages 7, 4, and 1. Carly loves to write, cook, and connect with other moms through this crazy thing called blogging! See what she has been up to over at  Picture in post form Wikimedia. Article reference here.

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Voting ends on March 11th, 2011. Thanks so much for your support!

Katie Hurley, LCSW

Thursday 3rd of March 2011

Totally agree! I need face to face time too. It makes such a big difference. It feels like real, actual communication when you can see the other person's reactions.


Wednesday 2nd of March 2011

I love Face to Face communication. I think that some of us get overwhelmed and caught up in technology and being secluded because of our kids, but I'm learning to break those chains and get back out there. Computer and telephone interaction are good, but I need to see other humans from time to time.

I voted for you too. Hope that you will join us for March For Charity over at YUMMommy. Our charity for today is the National Autistic Society.